The First Rule of Stoicism: Control What You Can

The First Rule of Stoicism: Control What You Can

Davide Cirillo

A foundational Stoic concept is to differentiate between what you can control and what you cannot. Epictetus famously stated that it’s not external events that disturb us, but our judgments about them.

Understanding This Principle

Internal vs. External

Your thoughts, choices, and actions lie within your command. Everything else—weather, other people’s decisions, unexpected setbacks—remains outside it.

Emotional Freedom

By accepting this boundary, individuals free themselves from needless anxiety or frustration over external circumstances. Effort is then directed where it truly matters.

Daily Implementation

  • Mental Reminders: Start each day affirming, “I will focus on what’s within my power.”
  • Constructive Response: When external obstacles arise, ask: “What part of this can I influence?”

Why It’s Crucial

Recognizing and respecting the limit of personal control underlies all other Stoic practices, shaping a mindset that’s proactive, self-accountable, and psychologically resilient.

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